Published on November 20, 2003 By Light_TAS In Politics
Unfortunately, Turkey has undergone the most aggressive and destructive terrorist attacks in their history. Bad as I feel for those Turkish families now without a family member, I will almost go so far as to say that the bombing was a good thing. It opened the eyes of those thinking that terrorism was isolated against western nations.

What really struck me as ironic, was that while the British are parading about, denouncing the war on terrorism, they happen to have their consulate in Turkey bombed. Way to go idiots, how do you feel about terrorism now, especially after it affected YOUR citizens?! Is the war on terrorism still a ridiculous idea, one caused only by the 'ignorance' of the United States, or is it a REAL and DEADLY threat, one also capable of killing your own?!

Terrorism doesnt discriminate, no matter, age, gender, race, religion, terrorism is there to cause terror, and those responsible dont care who they are targetting, as long as it gets their message across. People talk about Guantanemo Bay, and how we are cruel to those Afghanis we captured for interrogation? Let me pose a question to all you out there, which is crueler, the ruthless destruction of innocent citizines, or the mere holding of prisoners, prisoners who are provided with whatever their pure, honest little hearts desire?!

I was really pleased with how the Turkish government handled the situation. Unlike certain European countries the world has become so familiar with recently, the Turkish government had the balls to step up and say " Look, we have a problem, we cant keep ignoring it, it is a REAL and iminent threat to our peoples and to our economies, It is time we got off our asses (If you didnt notice, im paraphrasing) and did something about terrorism!" Sure this last statement may be a bit flawed, but all in all, it is essentially true.

The World needs to wake up, drink their coffee, and realize that they must do something about the threats, it certianly will nt go away by itself!
on Nov 29, 2003
spelling erros