Wow... This game is truly amazing. It all started 4 days ago when I went to The Movie Gallery to find a game to play. As was usual, every single game I wanted to rent wasnt available! Wandering aimlessly through the aisles, not knowing how I could survive, I spotted a popular pick sign, and underneath was my savior, Kill.Switch. I dont mean to sound like a retard, but honestly, this game is as good as Halo.
Whats amazing about this game is the use of cover. The w hole game revolves around finding cover and fragging your enemies. Take cover. Take aim. Take over. <-- what a badass slogan huh? Anyways, its an extremely realistic, but not slow(Ghost Recon) 3rd person shooter. You can hug walls, blindfire, and pop up from behind crates to shoot the bejeesus outta the AK47 toting retards attempting to fight you. Your character is essentially another punisher, only smarter.
Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know how amazing this game was, and if you are smart, you will go play it as soon as possible. Thank God this game was made...