The biggest threat to world peace is not Israel, not the Middle East, not even terrorists. The biggest problem is European complaceny. (I dont mean to offend any of you Euros, many are my friends, just my views). The United Nations has turned into the biggest pile of bs that we have seen since the League of Nations. Noone is willing to do anything, for it may offend someone. Noone is willing to take a risk, and attempt to right a wrong. Europe was firmly against American involvement in Iraq, and for just causes. No other nation helped the US besides Britain, and even then, Tony Blair pissed most of his countrymen off. But now that the war has ended, we have countries like France claiming to have aided in the war, and demanding rights to the oil that we hope will come from 'liberated' Iraq. The only reason that France was against the war is because they recieved oil from Iraq. It seems to be absurd that a country completely against, and failing to aid in the war should recieve any of its spoils!
I dont mean to attack France, but I have had enough of the critisicism America has been recieving. I am not a hardline patriot, Im 16 for gods sake and in most cases, will not be affected, but I feel, that if the United States changed foreign policy, and once again became isolationist, the pretty little world that we now live in would go to hell! Ask yourselves which country supports props up the UN with its money, which country gives billions in economic aid? What do we get back? How often have we helped out in third world countries during disasters, and received no help at all during ours? it is ridiculous. Countries want us to leave, I say fine, thats your opinion and your country. But ,many of these protestors do not look for the positives that America brings to their country. Take the iraqis for example. Riots are occuring, soldiers are complaining that they need to recieve backpay even?! Did the Taliban pay those who fought against them after the war was won? No, it is ridiculous. People expect change to occur immediatly, thats not how it works. We liberated Iraq, and now they complain. I say, find saddam. put his oppressive regime back into power, and then ask the iraqis which was better?
I realize I havent actyually talked much about european complancency, o well.